Hey, I'm
An aspiring software engineer.
My Projects
My Journey (coming soon)
This Website
This is my first completed website made with SvelteKit! It is self-hosted using Nginx and Cloudflare on a Raspberry Pi 4 at my home.
My Old Website
Static HTML
I made this with it being portfolio in mind, but ended up not finishing it. This was the first time I really dived into learning CSS.
Gravity Simulator V2
I know this looks similar to Gravity Simulator V1, but trust me it's so much
. Its cover image is literally 3 bodies orbiting each other o_o.
Gravity Simulator V1
This project was the project that taught me all about C++ and memory management. I used SDL2 to render all the planet (circles) and it just introduced me into computer graphics.
Science Fair
Winner 2023*
This was the website I made for the 2023 science fair at my school. It was a quiz website where you had to choose if an image or poem was real or AI generated.
Learn to Code
The ultimate free website to learning to code. It will incorporate Project-Based learning and Just-in-Time learning for both entertainment and effectiveness. However, it is still a work-in-progress.
Make sure to Check out My Journey!
Coming Soon
26 March 2024